I am a Chinese Medicine Acupuncture practitioner and studied at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine at Reading. I have been trained to combine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which treats physical symptoms and Five Element acupuncture which treats constitutionally (the whole person). This integrated way of treating covers all bases really! The training is a three-and-a-half-year degree course which involves study of Chinese Medicine theory, anatomy and physiology and most importantly many hours of clinical observations and treating my own patients in the student clinic at Reading.
I discovered acupuncture quite late in life after trying every drug therapy to treat severe migraines to no avail. Traditional Acupuncture worked for me very quickly, I couldn't believe it!
I find acupuncture so interesting, it really is my passion. I also find it extremely rewarding being able to help people improve their health and wellbeing in a safe and holistic way. I like the fact the person is treated and not just their symptoms. The result tends to be a healthier more balanced person generally.
Acupuncture can help such a wide range of health conditions from musculoskeletal pain i.e. back, knees, hips, shoulders etc. to medical conditions like anxiety and depression, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, digestive problems and many more.
I also trained in and enjoy treating patients with other Chinese medicine therapies e.g. tui na and gua sha (types of massage) and moxa and cupping.
Come along for a treatment! I look forward to seeing you.